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Sat Sep 28 16:31:19 2002 | Prev | Next

Well, this is it. This is my first weblog entry.

Some might wonder why I dont just go and use some public service for this, well the answer is that I just dont feel comfortable with that. I feel more comfortable using my server and having this run under my code.

It was a lot of work, but at the same time its fun. I am one of those weird people that actually have fun in perl. I say weird because if you have ever programmed in perl you know why so many people think that its a convoluted language. Well, I dont. I think I like to use the term clever. Its true that it can be cryptic at times, however, there are not many languages out there that can do so much with input and string manipulation. Perl makes it so easy to work with files and strings, and arrays, and hash tables etc.

In fact just to power the Weblog portion of this site, there is one perl script that reads in all the different files, injects the proper information from the database, keeps track of all the data entered on a page, and encrypts the data when necessary.

The other thing that is nice about perl is that it does not take to long to do anything. I started this code last night, and I have the site completely functional after around 6 hours of coding and graphics work.

Well, thats all from me for now, I might have another entry later to bring you up to speed on me. That might take a while though. We shall see.

Posted by: j.p.

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